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LawNewsIndex daily editions are compiled from the news story tweets via @TheLawMap with over 500k monthly impressions. The twitter account is followed by 8000+ accounts within the UK and the global legal fraternity. Now in its 9th year, the website is accessed by organisations, scholars, journalists and individuals interested in legal news as well as the business of law, from the UK and other English legal jurisdictions.  

The LawNewsIndex website shall feature adverts within the site to help with the running cost of LawNewsIndex from 2021. 

Standard Online Advertising Within

Sponsorship of the daily editions of LawNewsIndex for 1 month cycles (30/31 editions): £500 (This includes placement of the sponsor's name in the daily pinned tweet on @TheLawMap with many impressions and interactions)   

Side Button Small Advert: £150 (5 ad spaces) Rates per month

Skyscraper: £350 (1 exclusive ad space) Rates per month

Top Header: £200 (1 exclusive ad space)  Rates per month

Bottom Header: £100 (4 spaces) Rates per month

Please email with all enquiries or send a twitter DM to @TheLawMap 

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