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LawNewsIndex daily editions are compiled from the news story tweets via @TheLawMap with over 500k monthly impressions. The twitter account is followed by 8000+ accounts within the UK and the global legal fraternity. Now in its 9th year, the website is accessed by organisations, scholars, journalists and individuals interested in legal news as well as the business of law, from the UK and other English legal jurisdictions.   The LawNewsIndex website shall feature adverts within the site to help with the running cost of LawNewsIndex from 2021.  Standard Online Advertising Within -  Sponsorship of the daily editions of LawNewsIndex for 1 month cycles (30/31 editions) : £500 (This includes placement of the sponsor's name in the daily pinned tweet on @TheLawMap with many impressions and interactions)    Side Button Small Advert : £150 (5 ad spaces)  Rates per month Skyscraper : £350 (1 exclusive ad space)  Rates per...

What gets archived in LawNewsIndex?

The Focus of the Day Legal Articles  featured each Monday to Friday are legal or legislation related news items. These are typically sourced from noted legal publications or law sections of mainstream publications. The focus is almost exclusively on the three UK jurisdictions although in rare cases,  prominent international legal developments affecting the UK are featured. The Video Focus  clips normally are more general in nature, with a loose 'social justice', 'rule of law' and 'regulation' related brief; these are selected based on whichever story might have piqued the interest of the editor while compiling that day's edition. The weekend video stories almost always feature international stories.   LawNewsIndex, intended as a free to access law news archive,   collates news, articles, announcements and publications on the following - Practice of Law Study of Law Interpretation of Law History of Law Literature on Law Legislation Jurisdiction Law and...

What is LawNewsIndex?

An Archive of Law News Since late 2011, has been a UK based freely available archive of news, articles, essays and general publications relating to lawyers, law firms, legal and justice related matters, legislative changes, regulation, arbitration, mediation, the study of law, legal technology and political or social developments related to or impacting the rule of law. The main focus of the archive is law related news from the UK and the English speaking world, as well as major events across the globe. Why create an archive of Law, Justice and Legislation related news? Search engines make it possible to search for any event, story or legal case that had appeared as part of a legal article, law related publication and even judgements from individuals. However, many specialist briefs and elaborate discussions are under paywalls making it difficult for the non-subscriber to access such material, learn about cases or campaigns and form an informed opinion. LawNewsIndex wa...